We believe that our students are adults who understand the duties they undertake when signing a contract with us. We reference minimum requirements for students and demand performing them. The baselines are described below:
Students are required…
- …to be available and ready to attend the courses in office hours
- … not to be absent more than 20% of office hours (less than 80% presence on a day counts as being absent)
- …to use the tools which are required (version control, team communication, LMS, etc.)
- …to submit assignments on time
- assignment deadlines should not be missed more than once in a 2 month period
- …to be active and valuable members of their teams
- participate in team events (peer reviews, demos, …)
- at least one meaningful commit per day when you are working on a weekly project
- …to notify mentors in advance in case of an issue (e.g. being late, not being able to deliver, etc.)
- …to meet the required level of personal assessments (PA) :
- a PA is passed only if it’s average result is above 7 points (on the Danish scale), only a maximum of one 4 point rubric result is allowed, anything worse makes the PA void
- out of the last 5 consecutive weekly assignments at least 4 have to be above 7 points (in average on the Danish scale)