Python Game Enhancement Specification

Step 1

Based on your previous TW week, please document the game what you’ve created. Create a snapshot about the current features and problems. Write at least one paragraph about it and add screenshots.

Step 2

Write a short specification about further development options / enhancements. Be specific, write at least 3-5 tasks which are independent from each other, and easy to estimate.

Good example for breaking down the tasks

Labyrinth game:

  1. step 1) is to complete an individual “base zero” project, that is having a window where you have a character (a block) that can move on screen (up-down-left-right) and that can get to a point that wins the game
  2. step 2) is to add a very simple wall
  3. step 3) is to add a function that would read a txt file and generate it into the level representation of our game, so this way anyone can make a ‘map’ to explore
  4. step 4) is to add sound
  5. step 5) is to add random enemies
  6. step 5) is to add ‘fog of war’
  7. step 6) is to add a random map generator

Bad example for breaking down the tasks

Labyrinth game:

  1. step 1) is to write a labyrinth game
  2. step 2) make it work, fix the bugs
  3. step 3) make it really work