Step 1
Based on your previous TW week, please document the game what you’ve created. Create a snapshot about the current features and problems. Write at least one paragraph about it and add screenshots.
Step 2
Write a short specification about further development options / enhancements. Be specific, write at least 3-5 tasks which are independent from each other, and easy to estimate.
Good example for breaking down the tasks
Labyrinth game:
- step 1) is to complete an individual “base zero” project, that is having a window where you have a character (a block) that can move on screen (up-down-left-right) and that can get to a point that wins the game
- step 2) is to add a very simple wall
- step 3) is to add a function that would read a txt file and generate it into the level representation of our game, so this way anyone can make a ‘map’ to explore
- step 4) is to add sound
- step 5) is to add random enemies
- step 5) is to add ‘fog of war’
- step 6) is to add a random map generator
Bad example for breaking down the tasks
Labyrinth game:
- step 1) is to write a labyrinth game
- step 2) make it work, fix the bugs
- step 3) make it really work