Evil SKYNET is trying to take control over the world. And guess who is the only hope for the mankind? Yes, you’re right - it’s you! And you must prove your skills, knowledge and intelligence by showing that you are smart and able to guess words!
Create a script that has a list of European capitals, pick one of them randomly and let the user guess it. At the beginning program should represent each letter as a dash (”_“) and display them at the screen. Additionally, program should show player’s life points (let’s say, 5).
Program should ask the user if he/she would like to guess a letter or whole word(s). Next, program waits for the user to enter letter or word. If entered letter doesn’t exist in word or entered word is not correct - player will loose a life point. If this action brings player life to zero - the game is over!
If the player survives wrong letter guess - that letter should be added to “not-in-word” list and be displayed at the screen.
If the player guesses final letter or whole word(s) - he/she is the winner! And our world is safe ! :)
You can find detailed explanation of the game at Wikipedia
If the basic version works, please implement the following functionalities:
Add a question about starting program once again after win/loos.
Add an information about guessing count and guessing time at the end of game (i.e. “You guessed the capital after 12 letters. It took you 45 seconds”).
There is a file countries_and_capitals.txt containing list of countries and their capitals (i.e. Poland | Warsaw). Your program should read that file at the beginning and randomly select one country-capital pair. Then, the capital should be the target word(s) to guess. The country should be also remembered - if player will remain on his/her last life points program should display a hint (i.e. “The capital of Poland”).
Guessing whole word should be more-risk-more-reward. So, successful guess can save some time, but failing whole word guess should result in loosing 2 life points!
Add high score - everyone like to be proud of his/her successes. At the end of successful game program should ask user for his/her name and save that information to a file - name| date | guessing_time | guessing_tries | guessed_word (i.e. Marcin | 26.10.2016 14:15 | 45 | Warsaw).
Expand high score - program should remember 10 best scores (read from and write to a file) and display them at the end, after success / failure.
Add ASCII art! How awesome it will be if after each wrong guess a part of hangman will appear? Or a spaceship will be closer to the Earth? Or something different - use your imagination! :)
Remember: more code can mean more bugs and worse readability. Choose wisely what to do first and how to keep the code clean all the time.
Please start with a flowchart! Use You can draw first versions of flowchart on paper to discuss it and modify if it’s faster for you than drawing with mouse.
Capital names should be in English and capital letters (i.e. LONDON, PARIS, WARSAW).
Program shouldn’t be case sensitive - i.e. no matter if the user enters d or D, it should count as D.
Creating your own functions and using them well will make your code clearer and allow you to get 10 points for clean code if there will be no problems with it’s readability.
Every part of code should be closed in function. DO NOT use global variables.