We prepared a programming idea bank for you, it contains lots of exercises you can solve with Python to practice algorithmizing and writing code. All the tasks are tagged with different topics we have covered in the Programming Basics module, you can head right to those you feel you need the most practice to reach mastery.
Browsing the exercise bank
Please download the following file, it contains the exercises in an encrypted format:
SN Archive - Tue Jan 30 2018 16_05_26 GMT+0100 (Central Europe Standard Time).txt
After the download is ready, please open the Standard Notes website, it’s a free online note-taking tool:
In the bottom left corner, click on the Account menu, and choose Import Data from Archive.
If you used Standard Notes before, you might have notes in your notebook. You can archive them before the import or leave them in the notebook as the import will add the imported notes next to them, nothing will be overwritten. However, cleaning up the workspace before the import is recommended.
Locate the downloaded TXT file, and import it. When the tool asks for a password
to decrypt the file, enter CodecoolProgBasics
to the input field.
Now you can browse the exercises, reorder them, filter for a tag, filter for any text, etc. You are free to extend the task descriptions with your own notes while practicing, all of your editings will be only stored in your browser’s local storage.